
Our certifications

The design, mould manufacturing and moulding activities of Europlast are certified according to ISO 9001:2015; this ensures that the client requirements are always met, through the constant process control made possible by a proven traceability system.

Being fully aware of the value of the surrounding environment and of its role in the sector where it operates, as well as of the importance of its environmental policy choices on matters like the treatment, disposal and above all recycling of plastic waste and energy consumption, Europlast does not confine itself to merely complying with environmental regulations.

On a yearly basis, in fact, the Company develops a set of environmental improvement plans within the framework of its Management System certified according to ISO 14001-2015.

All moulding machines are equipped with granulators allowing to recycle the production residues on the machine itself, greatly reducing the generated amount of plastic waste, as the materials in question can be reused in accordance with the provisions set out for each item to be manufactured.

ISO 9001:2015

Design, mould manufacturing and injection moulding of items made of thermoplastic materials.

(Certificato no. 9190.EPLS – Formato PDF)

ISO 14001-2015

Design, mould manufacturing and injection moulding of items made of thermoplastic materials.

(Certificato no. 9191.EPLS – Formato PDF)

Quality control

The Quality Service performs the controls, from production and acceptance to the delivery of the lots accompanied by the final testing report, when requested. The system in place also allows to trace back which controls were performed during production.

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